Can I get weekend to rest from my weekend?… 10-12. March 2017

10. March, Friday

 A quark pastry and a cup of coffee

 Mashed potatoes and a grilled chicken leg

 A pita wrap with pork, some French fries and apple juice @ Pitas

 Pitas had this funny drawing on their wall 😀

We attended a Bodybalance class in the evening with my boyfriend and tried out a Greek fast food place for dinner. The food was decent for a quick meal 😀 Then we went to see “Logan,” which was a fantastic movie. It was really sad though, but I still liked it a lot.

11. March, Saturday

 Coffee, rice with tuna and furikake, a tangerine on the train

A latte @ Krempel

 Porridge with bacon and herb butter @ Krempel

 A pancake with minced meat, mushrooms and cheese + cranberry juice @ Ruunipizza

 Dinner at the Puri household: salad, red rice, baked Atlantic sturgeon, some nachos with dip.

 Strawberry cake

We took an early train to Tartu where we met up with Ly and her kids. They had a BMX race happening during the weekend and my boyfriend agreed to go and take photos of the event for her. I had zero patience for the event, so I headed out to town on my own. However, before I did that, Ly gave us her car and we went to some bike shop, so bf could try on some helmets. When we returned to the event venue, boyfriend back the car into a tree while parking, so the rear window of the car exploded. It was super scary, but luckily neither one of us was injured…. just the car.

Anyway, I left my boyfriend at the race venue and headed to the city center. I ended up walking around 15 km and most of the walking was done, because I couldn’t find a café to sit down for ages xD People in Tartu sure love their Saturday morning cafés xD So I ended up walking a lot in-between sitting in two different cafés and reading a book. I’d say it was a good day really.

We spent the evening in Kiuma where we had an awesome dinner.

12. March, Sunday

 A galette with chicken, cheese and avocado and a latte @ Crepp

 Coffee @ SÄDE

 Chocolate covered doughnuts on the train on our way home 😀

 Some carrots

 Boiled khinkali with sour cream and some salad

Sunday was a chill day on my own again. Bf went to the race venue with Ly again and I walked around Tartu, did some shopping (got some doughnuts for the ride home and found an Avengers blanket xD), had coffee and read a book in some cafés and visited the Tartu Toy Museum which was simply awesome. I didn’t mind hanging out on my own at all, it was kind of relaxing actually and I enjoyed visiting new cafés in Tartu 😀 My feet hurt from all the walking I did xD

In the evening, we took the train again back home to Tallinn. Boyfriend managed to catch a cold or some bug during the weekend, so I am hoping to avoid catching whatever he has :s

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