Pumpkin and potato stew with chicken, coffee

 Frozen yoghurt with raspberries and chocolate syrup from Yo!

The yoghurt itself was pretty amazing. I wish I hadn’t added the chocolate syrup, because it was tastier without it. But that’s my own fault.

My only complaint about this entire thing was the four raspberries that cost me a whole 30 euro cents. That’s about 4,60 kroons (piss off, I have to put it into kroons, because the euro value still doesn’t make sense to me) and that’s a lot for four raspberries. Plus it didn’t help that the lady before me got a HEAP of raspberries :s Next time I’m going to complain. But yes, I am planning to go back, because it was super tasty 😀

 Snickers chocolate

 Cheese potato chips

 Barley pancakes with raspberry jam