Flatbread… 27. October 2017

 Coffee and brownie quark.

 Glass noodles with sour cream and soy sauce.

 Pokémon wafer.

 Potato and black rice curry with sour cream. I wanted to bake beetroot bread, but my dough didn’t rise so I made beetroot flatbread instead to go with the curry.

Good times… 10-11. June 2017

10. June

 Coffee and three strawberry kohuke

 Magus Mull apple-lemon lemonade

 Pancake with banana and chocolate syrup

 Churros and cold brew coffee by Café y Churros at Tallinn Street Food Festival. So good! One churro was with dulce de leche and three with spicy cheese sauce. It was my first time trying churros, I am in love.

 Crispy chicken by Gostu, Kyuho’s Kitchen. Nom!

 A waffle cone with kama fluff by Vahvlihaldjad

 Bacon pizza by Street pizza

 Some grapes and pastries @ Ebe’s birthday

Foodgasm! I was at work in the morning and afterwards we popped by the Tallinn Street Food Festival. My intial idea was only to get churros, but there was so much tempting food that we ended up eating a lot xD Later in the evening we went to Ebe’s birthday party, so yeah, we totally overate xD But all was fantastic.

11. June

 Coffee, bacon-potato pastry and apple-cinnamon pastry that I shared with my bf

 Pancake with banana and honey

 Oven baked potatoes, cutlets, some salad

 Nettle marmalade. It sadly tasted mostly like sugar.

 Water kimchi! I used this recipe to make it. Turned out great, however I think it needs to sour for another couple of days.

 Potato-barley curry with mayonnaise

Boyfriend was a sweetheart and came to work with me in the morning. We had coffee and pancakes ♥ After work I popped by @ Koht. Elvira treated me to some fantastic passionfruit beer.
When I got home, boyfriend had cleaned the apartment floors. Bless him! I hate vacuuming so much. We had dinner and watched “American Gods”. Good day, good day.

Two days off work… 8-9. June 2017

8. June

 Chicken heart-sorrel soup with sour cream

 True Spirit sea salt potato chips

 Coffee, hazelnuts in milk chocolate

 Red rice with tuna-tomato sauce and some marinated cucumber-carrot salad

9. June

 Fried eggs with tuna-tomato sauce and some marinated cucumber-carrot salad

 Milka Choco Jaffa orange jelly cookies

 Potato and barley curry with sour cream

I had two days off work, so I did some errand running in town, dyed my hair green, prepared some water kimchi and started on my first sourdough starter. I’d say that it was a productive two days despite me failing to get the apartment clean. Oh well, dust bunny and kitty litter free floors are overrated anyway.

Also, I have lost 6kg! 😀 So hyped!
About 7 more kg to go now 😦

Two unmemorable days… 24-25. November 2016

24. November

 Polar bread with ham and avocado, cereal with milk, and a cup of coffee.

 Tom yum flavoured instant noodles with sour cream.

 Potato curry and some salad.

 A pumpkin bun sandwich with ham and avocado, and a cup of tea.

25. November

 Potato curry, some tomato and a pumpkin bun sandwich with beef paté and avocado.

 Coffee, a chicken pastry and a cherry pastry.

 Polar bread with ham and tomato, mushroom soup with sour cream and roasted pumpkin seeds.

 Apple-halva pie with some ice cream on the side.

[recipe.] Potato Curry

Liia and Agu brought us some curry powder from Vietnam a few months ago and I thought it was about time I did something with it. I decided to try and whip up some potato curry with it and since the end result was pretty awesome, I decided to share the recipe 😀


  • 1,2 kg potatoes
  • A small piece of ginger (around 5cm)
  • 1 jalapeno pepper
  • 2 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 2 tsp of curry powder
  • Salt to taste
  • Juice from half a lemon
  • Some oil for cooking
  • 5dl of water (or more if you feel it’s needed)
  • Plain yoghurt and Indian bread for serving (optional)

Boil the potatoes and peel them once they have cooled down enough. Cut half of the potatoes into bite-sized pieces and set aside. Mash the other half of the potatoes thoroughly with a masher.

Next chop the chili and the ginger into almost a paste. I used a mezzaluna to do this, but you may probably use a food processor or any other method for this as well.

Heat some oil in a bigger pan and add the cumin seeds when the pan is hot. Saute the seeds until they start to brown. Some of the seeds may pop and jump out of the pan, so be careful not to burn yourself!

Next add in the chili and the ginger. Saute for a minute.

After that add the cut up potatoes with 5dl of water, mix well, bring it to boil and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes.

Then add in the potato mash and simmer for another minute. If the curry feels too thick to your taste, add in more water.

Add in the curry powder, teaspoon of sugar, some salt to taste and squeeze in the lemon juice. Let it simmer again for a minute or so. And it’s done!

Serve the curry with a couple of spoonsful of plain yoghurt over it and with some Indian style bread. I tried making my own naan bread this time and it didn’t turn out very naan-ish, but it was still pretty nice with the curry 🙂

I hope you’ll enjoy!

A birthday party… 18. June 2016

 Coffee and corn flakes with milk

 Potato curry with plain yoghurt and homemade garlic naan bread

 A banana with cashew butter

 Party snacks: beer, wiener pastries, sweet cherries, potato chips, carrots…


We went to Kadi’s birthday party in the evening. I bought myself three beers for the party but only managed to drink about one and a half xD Three beers used to be fine for an evening, but since I don’t really drink much anymore, I guess my tolerance has gone down.
I also really should stop buying potato chips. I love potato chips, but every time I eat them, I end up with my hands and legs all itchy 😦 I guess my body doesn’t like some additive they are putting in the chips.

Drawing an elf… 10. June 2016

 A banana with peanut butter and half a glass of kefir with some kama flour and sugar

 Potato curry

 Rice with stuff (canned tuna, cauliflower, carrots, wakame) and lettuce-tomato salad

 Boyfriend brought home some pastry and zefir for dessert. The pastry was chocolate chip-pistachio and possibly it’s the best pastry in the world; the zefir was something coconut flavoured, but it was way too sweet for me, so I only ate half of it. We also had green tea.

Quest for mochi ice cream… 9. June 2016

 Leftover boiled pelmeni fried into and omelette with some cottage cheese salad

 Chocolate kohuke

 Potato curry and naan


I went and bought some mochi ice cream from a Japanese store, because I’ve been dreaming of this for months. It was expensive as fuck D: I wish it would become trendy around here too, so general grocery stores would start carrying it and it would become cheaper. Anyway, I bought the ice cream and now I don’t dare to eat it, because I don’t want it to be gone.